- Tipton Community School Corporation
- High School FAQ
Can I come and eat lunch with my student? What about their siblings?
We do not allow guests to eat in the cafeteria during school hours.
Can I have flowers or balloons delivered for my student's birthday?
No. We do not allow items like this to be delivered during school hours (except on Valentine's Day).
Can my student carry their medication with them?
No. All medicine must be distributed from the school nurse. Parents need to bring the medicine to school and fill out a dosage paper from Nurse Susie Ragan-Walsh.
The only medication that can be carried by the student is an epi-pen or an inhaler with a doctor's note.
Can my student bring in fast food for lunch?
All brought lunches need to be in a lunch bag. We do not allow outside food or beverages to be
brought in. -
How can I get my transcript or diploma?
Mrs. Wright can provide official transcripts. We do not have copies of actual diplomas (only transcripts). The best way to get a transcript is to email Mrs. Wright with a photo ID.
How do I report an absence?
If you know your child is going to be leaving early from school, please send a note that morning with your child, email Mrs. Wright, or call attendance at (765) 675-7431, ext 1106. You do not need to come in and sign them out as long as you have called, emailed, or sent a note.
If your child has a doctor's appointment, make sure they bring back a doctor's note. Without a doctor's note, the absence will be unexcused.
High school does not have a prearranged absence sheet. Call or email Mrs. Wright 24 hours in advance.