Human Resources FAQ
How can I change my withholdings?
You may change your federal or state withholdings at any time. You may print the forms and fill them out, or you may fill them out digitally. When you are finished, deliver them or email them to Tonja.
How do I check my paystub?
To view your paystubs, sign in to the Doculivery website.
Your User ID is formatted in the following manner:
Tipton+employee ID number
Ex. An employee with the ID number 1234 would sign in using Tipton1234 as the User ID.
Your password is the last four digits of your social security number.
If our example employee's last four digits of their social security number were 5678, they would log in using this information:
User ID: Tipton1234
Password: 5678 -
How do I know what my employee ID number is?
Your employee ID is provided to you when you receive your new hire paperwork. This paperwork has "Doculivery Quick-Start Guide" written at the top.
Additionally, if you receive a physical paycheck, your employee ID number will be listed on the check.
If you have misplaced your paperwork and have direct deposit, you can email Ms. Carter and she can provide your employee ID number.
When can I change my insurance selections?
Open enrollment typically begins in August and ends in September. However, if you have a HIPAA-qualifying event (such as marriage or divorce), you may change selections within one month of that event.